PETITIONSYour signature counts
Support our online petitions
With every signature, we make our voices heard and raise the profile of marine conservation. To do this, we need people like you to get involved with us. Through our united appeals, we can convince decision-makers to act thereby making a world of difference.
Support our online petitions now, because your signature counts.

A healthy Ocean is essential for life on the blue planet.
The petition “Because Our Planet Is Blue” calls on the world’s governments to use the UN Ocean Conference in June 2025 to agree upon taking effective action to tackle the most pressing threats to marine life. The Ocean needs to be protected and restored so that its inhabitants can survive and thrive.
10,697out of 25,000Signatures
Our nature is not a waste dump! Stop unnecessary single-use plastics.
We call on the Swiss federal government: Stop shifting away your responsibility, but apply the instruments already in place within the Environmental Protection Act! Under this law, the Federal Council can ban the single-use plastic items, such as take-away items and plastic bags from the Swiss territory, independent of the material used, and can stop the sale of cosmetic and personal products containing microbeads in Switzerland.
12’235Out of 15,000Signatures

End the Faroese Whale and Dolphin hunts
On the 12th September 2021 at least 1,428 Atlantic white-sided dolphins and dozens of juveniles were killed in one single mass killing event in the Faore Islands. This is the largest dolphin hunt in the islands’ history and possibly the largest single hunt ever undertaken worldwide. It happened in European waters at the doorstep of the European Union which grants these marine mammals the highest protection status and prohibits any direct takes.
On Friday, 9th September 2022, we handed over your signature to the EU representation in Berne, Switzerland.
other ways to take action
The movement
against plastic
in the seas
and dolphins
in the wild
Make our
everyday lives
more sustainable
Working together
for change
With your donation
Every amount is of value and will help to protect the ocean and its inhabitants both today and in the future.
With your interest
Take a dive into the underwater world: In the e-newsletter you can find out what OceanCare is doing for marine life on an ongoing basis.