As an animal lover, Umberto Annino originally wanted to become a veterinarian. However, he decided instead on a technical career and became a specialist in IT security. He also passes on his expertise in this field in his capacity as a lecturer for adult education.
Umberto Annino first came in contact with OceanCare during his diving training in Lake Zurich, where he was joined by his dive master Sigrid Lüber and dive instructor Stefani Westphal Vonesch.
In 2013, Umberto Annino was appointed Actuary of the OceanCare Board, thus benefiting wildlife from his professional experience after all. He also supports the OceanCare management regarding IT security and data protection.
A healthy Ocean is essential for life on the blue planet. We must stop harming our planet and start caring for it. The time to act is now.