Digital Marketing Specialist
Hanna Schlegel holds a Bachelor's degree in Journalism and Communication Sciences and studied Law for a few semesters at the University of Zurich. She gained her professional experience in the financial sector, as a Research Assistant at a Swiss Research Institute and as a teacher of French and German, to name just a few examples.
During her school days, Hanna Schlegel was fascinated by complex environmental issues. She understood how much we need to take care of nature and felt the need to make her own contribution to it.
Since 2018, Hanna Schlegel has been contributing her wide-ranging knowledge to OceanCare's online communication and is dedicated to addressing the concerns of OceanCare's many supporters. Her aim is to generate awareness of the marine world on the German-speaking social media channels.
Every year, approximately 9 million tons of plastic end up in the ocean – a deadly trap for millions of ocean inhabitants. Together we can stop the plastic wave and create a clean and healthy ocean.
The use of destructive fishing gear is one of the biggest threats to marine ecosystems. Together we can stop destructive fishing practises and protect the ocean and their inhabitants. The time to act is now.
Oil and gas exploration threatens marine ecosystems and life in the ocean. Together we can enforce a ban and protect our ocean. The time to act is now.
The deep sea is a unique habitat full of secrets and life. Resource extraction threatens to irreversibly destroy this treasure. Together, we can protect the deep sea. The time to act is now.