Your donation for marine animals
Marine animals in distress need our help and this help needs to be both professional and swift. Rescue experts help stranded animals, such as whales, dolphins or whale sharks back into the water. They also help to disentangle whales, dolphins, sea turtles, seals, seabirds and other animals that get entrapped in plastic waste or fishing gear.
With your donation you make an important contribution to ensuring that injured dolphins, whales, seals and sea turtles can be found, cared for and released back into the wild.

«OceanCare has founded the Sea Turtle Rescue Alliance. The rescue network helps around the globe to save sea turtles that have become entangled in plastic waste, for example, and to nurse injured animals back to health. This is possible thanks to your donation.»
Fabienne McLellan, Managing Director of OceanCare